Deen Intensive Course
Start Date: September 18, 2024
Duration: Twice a week
Wednesday at 7 pm - 8 pm
Saturday at 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Fees: $100
Location: 920 W Pflugerville PKWY, Pflugerville, TX 78660
The course components:
1) Learning and understanding the core sciences of the Shariah.
2) Bringing into practice Islamic teachings.
3) Developing a strong Islamic framework which will help navigate through a Muslim's life.
4) Appreciating Islam and it's rich academic culture.
Course structure:
This course consists of 3 parts ( Tafseer, Hadith and Fiqh )
Part 1: Tafseer
Introduction to Surah Hujaraat
Surah Yaseen
Surah Al Asr - Kaafiroon
Surah Al Fath- An Naas
Surah Fatiha
Part 2: Hadith
Introduction to Iman, Islaam, Wasawis, Qadr, Barzakh & Aakirah, Riqaq, Zuhd,
Akhlaaq -
Ibadaat (Cleanliness, Wudhoo, Ghusal, Salah, Zakah, Sawm, Hajj)
Zikr, Mu'aamalaat, Mu'aasharat, Salam, Etiquettes , Hijab, Dress
Marriage, Divorce, Interest, Ilm, Al Fitan, Manaaqib
Part 3: Fiqh
Introduction to Iman, Islaam, Wasawis, Qadr, Barzakh & Aakirah, Riqaq, Zuhd,
Akhlaaq -
Introduction to Taharah